We continue to monitor the developing situation. During this unprecedented time our primary concern is the health of our families, workforce, clients, suppliers and the wider population.
Energy Bolting is open and our facility is operational with precautionary measures in place. We continue to support our clients existing and future requirements with no current delays.
British government and public health guidelines are being followed. Energy Bolting has enacted the below preventative policies:
All business travel/visits are cancelled. Employees, clients and suppliers must seek alternative methods of communication.
Remote working is available for those able to carry out their role from home.
Physical contact between employees and delivery personnel is restricted with social distancing practices carried out to reduce the risk of infection / transmission.
General good hygiene and cleanliness is emphasised. Additional signage has been posted to remind everyone of the importance.
In the event of a staff member or household member having a high temperature or a new and continuous cough (however mild) they must self-isolate along with other household members for a minimum of 14 days in accordance with government guidelines linked below.
These measures will help safeguard our employees whilst minimising disruption to business and our customers.
This is a fluid situation and Energy Bolting will follow government guidelines and policies as they are introduced.
Energy Bolting supply a diverse range of special fasteners, machined components and associated products.
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Send your enquiries for a prompt and competitive quotation sales@energybolting.com